Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cards Against Humanity

My favorite new game has to be Cards Against Humanity. In my house, we are big on games and constantly on the search for newer, bigger, better versions of the same old games that everyone has. Every time we venture into a toy store or department store, we stop at the game aisle to peruse what has come out.

I can't take credit for finding Cards Against Humanity. That privilege goes to a dear friend of ours who knows of our love of games. We try to have game nights as often as we can with our friends. On this particular evening we were treated to a night of a raunchy, hilarious, and often filthy card game.

The Premise

Cards Against Humanity is a very easy game to play. Each round, a player reads a Black Question Card aloud. Every other player then plays their best White Answer Card in response. The reader then chooses what he feels is the best answer. The one who played the best White Answer Card wins the Black Question Card. The player with the most Black Cards at the end of the game wins!

My Take

The game is very similar to Apples to Apples in the way it is played. The difference comes in what the cards say. The cards in Cards Against Humanity are rarely used to played G-Rated material. At least in my household. And I love that. It is a game in which adults can get together and let loose and play a game that has no boundaries. We can be as politically incorrect, offensive or just ridiculous as we want to be. I have a feeling that I would be fast friends with the creators.

The game can be downloaded for free, provided you want to sit and cut out every single card. And there are a lot of cards. Alternatively, you could pay $25 and buy the game. Currently there are also three expansion packs available for $10 each. They seem like they are open to new card ideas, too. There is an area where you can "Suggest a card". Actually, it says, "Submit your dumb idea," which gives you a bit of insight into their sense of humor.

The Verdict

Cards Against Humanity is a great game for adults who are like minded, mature and slightly off. Well, maybe not so mature. With cards like "My sex life", "Actually taking candy from a baby", and "Dick fingers" what could possibly go wrong? I give Cards Against Humanity 9/10 cards. Why? Because there's always room for improvement. Right guys?

Monday, August 26, 2013

The World's End (2013)

What better thing to do the weekend before school starts than go to the movies? The only movie I wanted to see this weekend was The World's End. We are huge fans of Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright's other collaborations, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. We even took the kids to see The World's End because of their love of Shaun of the Dead.

The Premise

A group of five friends reunite after 20 years to complete the Golden Mile, a mile long pub crawl in their home town. Things have changed since they left, but they slowly start to realize that things are definitely not all they seem. They race on to complete their personal quest and at the same time, try to save the world.

My Take

The cast was fantastic. I adore Martin Freeman, who took the role of Oliver. He plays my favorite version of Watson in BBC's rendition of Sherlock. I only wish we in the states could see it before the episodes were a year or two old. Paddy Considine is cast as Steven. He was in Hot Fuzz with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, who takes a different role in this movie. In the two previous films, Frost was the dumb, yet lovable, sidekick. In The World's End, Frost's character was more serious. It stretched his acting chops and he wasn't overshadowed by these other great actors; this time because of his ability not because of his antics. Simon Pegg took the role with more shenanigans this time. He plays the group's ring leader, Gary King. Eddie Marsan, who can currently be seen on Showtime's Ray Donovan, rounded out the group as Peter.

Gary gets it in his head that life was never better than it was 20 years ago when he had all his friends together and they were trying to complete their epic pub crawl. He begs, borrows and steals his way into convincing the old gang into trying it one last time. For Gary, the 90's never ended. It's sad, because I think I know people like that.

As the men make their way through town, they begin to feel that things have changed. People bleed blue blood, lights shine out of their eyes, their cell phones don't work and no one has recognized them. They decide the best thing to do is to get to The World's End, the last pub, and get down to root of the problem. Meanwhile they're getting beaten up, chased, and, of course, tanked.

If you're familiar with Pegg and Wright's sense of humor, you'll enjoy the irony of the names of the pubs the guys visit. For example, the first pub is aptly named "The First Post". The guys get into a fight at "The Cross Hands". There are many similarities between The World's End and the previous two movies. This made watching it even better. It was like being part of a private joke. There were characters we knew and scenes that were familiar. It was a satisfying end to their trilogy.

But now that it's over, what's next? You can tell me...

The Verdict

My whole family enjoyed The World's End (ages 8 and up). I don't think it was as good as Shaun of the Dead, but I don't think anyone ever really measures up to their first big hit. Especially when a pedestal has been set so high. I still loved the movie. I laughed the whole way through. The ending was a bit weak for me, but I am only one person. And let's face it, I probably couldn't have done it better myself. I give The World's End 10/12 pints of beer.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Banshee {Season 1} (2013-?)

If you missed out on Banshee, like I almost did, then you missed out on what is quite possibly the best new show on cable. Unbeknownst to me, it premiered in January of this year on Cinemax. The very first episode had me hooked. It had it all. Action, mystery, violence, sex, and most importantly, characters I want to watch.

My husband and I are always searching for new shows we can watch together, especially ones we can watch after the kids go to bed. I found Banshee on our On Demand feature and thought it would be something we could watch to pass the time until Sons of Anarchy returns in September. It only took one episode and we were hooked.

The Premise is Brilliant

An ex-con gets out of prison and the first thing he does is search for the woman he loves, who is also his former partner. Through less than legal channels, he finds her living under an assumed name in the town of Banshee. Through an unfortunate turn of events, he assumes the identity of the new sheriff in the corrupt Amish town, bringing all his demons with him. He discovers a family he didn't know he had. The man he stole millions worth in diamonds from hasn't forgotten him. And he still has a penchant for criminal activity.

My Take

The ex-con (we never learn his real name) ends up in a small bar where some serious shit goes down and he witnesses the death of the sheriff. Turns out, this was a new sheriff (that no one had yet met) who had been brought in by the Mayor to clean up the corrupt town. One of the most corrupt towns an ex-con could have possibly ended up in. Perfect! The ex-con becomes Sheriff Lucas Hood and the insanity begins.

Did I mention the town is corrupt because of a shunned Amish mob boss? As much as Antony Starr is perfect playing the ex-con pretending to be a sheriff, Ulrich Thomsen is perfect as Kai Proctor, the shunned Amish boss that runs the town of Banshee. Neither of these characters are traditional "good guys", but you find yourself rooting for Hood and wishing pain on Proctor. Thomsen has a way of maintaining a perfectly calm demeanor that makes you hate his character even more. It's beautiful. And Matthew Rauch, who plays his accountant-like body guard, is the perfect compliment.

I love the women on this show as well. We learn a lot about Carrie Hopewell. She is Lucas Hood's former girlfriend and partner. Played by Ivana Milicevic, Carrie is a well written and extremely well acted character. She has a criminal past that she has been hiding from her family that, by all appearances, she did flawlessly until Lucas found her. As he stirs up old feelings, he stirs up a past that she had hidden so well she had nearly forgotten about it herself. A character I want to learn more about is Deputy Siobhan Kelly. She seems like there is a lot more to her than just a stereotype of a woman that joined the police force. Trieste Kelly Dunn plays her with, what I think, is just the right amount of strength and vulnerability. There are moments when we see Siobhan want to say or do so much more than she does. I feel that there is hidden story about her we may see in future episodes. Now for who my husband thinks is the sexiest woman on the show, if not on television right now, Lili Simmons, who plays Rebecca. Poor Rebecca. She seems to be following in the same footsteps as her Uncle Kai. She has been shunned by the Amish for her wild ways and her generous Uncle Kai has now taken her under his wing. As long as she quits sleeping with the sheriff.

Banshee is one if those shows that has a little bit for everybody. It has mafia ties, motorcycle gangs, corruption, violence, sex, prejudice, mystery, kidnapping, family issues, adultery, murder, rednecks, justice, lies, and the best cross dressing Asian I have ever seen. Seriously. Hoon Lee's character, Job, is not to missed. Or messed with.

I cannot wait for season two to begin. There are so many unanswered questions. Where is Rabbit (Ben Cross)? Will Gordon forgive Carrie for all her lies? Why did Lucas steal that painting? What does Jason need with his dad? What does the combination in the opening credits open? Will Rebecca be able to return to the Amish? Who hasn't had sex with Lucas? How come no one ever gets pregnant? Will the Moody boys get their revenge? Will Deva find out who her dad is? What is wrong with Max's lung? What will the fall out be from the YouTube video? Can I be on the show?

Ugh! I can't wait! Film faster, cast of Banshee! Film faster!

The Verdict

I love this show and it is so versatile that I think that there is truly something for everyone. It is not for children, though, so beware! I give Banshee 5/5 Amish Bonnets. Keep it up!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Turn Me On, Dammit! (2011)

Turn Me On, Dammit!

Isn't that the best title ever for a coming of age film? Everyone can relate to that. Turn me on! This was a great foreign film about teen sex and sexual awakenings. To this reviewer, it was a more honest approach than any American movies I've seen lately about teenagers coming to terms with their sexual feelings.

My Take

The film is set in a Skoddeheimen, Norway. I know nothing about Norwegian life, but this town could have represented any rural area in America. One in which everyone knows everyone. The kids all know each other but still form their social clicks. The parents are hard working and not oblivious on purpose. The neighbors are elderly and nosy. Any typical small town.

The main character, Alma, is fifteen and has a very healthy fantasy life. It ranges from innocent to a little naughty to downright X rated. There is an incident at party in which Alma tells the truth and Artur (her crush) lies about what happens between them. Teen politics force Alma to become an outsider. She sticks to her guns, though, and refuses to recant her story. Furthermore, her mother discovers that Alma has been calling a phone sex line which alienates her even more.

It seems that everywhere Alma turns, she can't help the urges she has yet has no one to talk to or express them with. So she does what any frustrated, isolated, angry, lonely teenager would do. She runs away. Of course this action forces the resolution. And I do so hate giving away endings...

I can't say enough good things about this movie. It has won several well deserved awards, which doesn't usually impress me but this time I am happy to see them go to the right film. I will agree that it isn't for everyone. Obviously there is a lot of sexual content and it is about teenagers which could make a person uncomfortable. Some of the actors were only 16, but maybe the laws are different in Norway than they are here. I know that America is a very prude country in comparison to others. So watch at your own discretion.

The Verdict

Overall I give the movie 4/5 popcorn tubs. I loved this movie, but it isn't for everyone. It is a foreign film, a coming of age film, and features young people in sexual situations.