Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Night With Paramore... Sort Of

My family thinks I have an uncanny ability for winning tickets on the radio. And maybe I do. I won tickets to AstroWorld (once upon a time ago) and about half a dozen concerts over the years. So I guess my sister wasn't terribly surprised when I called her inviting her to join me on a Meet and Greet with Paramore. I may have been lucky before, winning just the nosebleeds and lawn seats, but this would be my first Meet and Greet and I was stoked.

The instructions given to me by DJ Lauren from Mix 96.5 were to be at the Woodlands Pavilion by 4 o'clock, so of course there was an accident en route and we were ten minutes late. Fortunately for my sister and I, we were the first of our group to arrive, ahead of even the lady from the record label; so all we had to do was wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Fortunately we had some good company from Caren and Kelsey from two local radio stations. We exchanged stories of past concerts and favorite bands while they continued to pass out their respective merchandise and take pictures of fans. Seriously, these two girls are awesome.

I think the problem with winning tickets as opposed to buying a really expensive merchandise packet is that (for obvious reasons) we get pushed aside like the red-headed step child. I was told to go Will Call when we arrived. Will Call didn't know what I was talking about and didn't have a list of winners' names and directed me to the VIP table. The VIP table didn't have me on their list and said that radio winners would go in separately and to just "mill about". The people at the radio booths didn't have my name either. It was all up to poor Nadia from the record label who had gotten stuck even further behind the same wreck than we had.

When Nadia finally arrived (safe and sound) we got our wrist bands and felt official. But not as official as those lucky jerks in the merchandise line that had VIP passes dangling around their necks like shiny little nooses. Those guys got to go in first, with their little bag of swag. I really wanted a bag of swag. We got to stand in the hot August sun for yet another hour sans noose and bag of swag.

When the time finally came to meet Paramore we were herded in, searched for illegal contraband (that we could have successfully hidden away in our sweaty clothes for the last two hours), and allowed entry to the Pavilion. Where we stood waiting around for another half hour.

Here is where we were given a lecture about how to act when we finally met the band. In order to keep the spread of germs down (they were currently battling the flu backstage), we couldn't shake hands or hug anyone. And unfortunately for this writer we wouldn't have time to ask any questions because of the tight schedule. Bummer. By this time the venue was about to open up to ticket holders and I definitely wanted to get a good spot out on the lawn, so I guess I couldn't complain too much. So here we are, two and a half hours after arriving at the Pavilion and we are about to meet Paramore!

And we did. And they seemed super friendly and happy to see their fans. I would have loved to have been able to have a true meet and greet but this was still pretty awesome. Plus I got an autographed picture.

Jeremy, me, Hayley, my sister, Taylor
picture property of Laura Romero
After the Meet and Greet, my sister and I found some great spots out on the lawn with the free tickets I scored off the radio and had an absolute blast. I have to say, there are some mighty inappropriately dressed teenagers out there. But then, I guess I'm just showing my age. I did once win tickets to AstroWorld, after all.

The Verdict

The Meet and Greet could have been better organized and had the stations not been on top of things, the whole thing could have fallen apart. But in the end it was, without a doubt, very exciting to meet three people whose music you love and helps to inspire you in your own creative life. The members of Paramore seemed to be smiling because they were genuinely happy to see the fans that make their success possible. Not to mention, the concert was fantastic. New Politics opened up and Fall Out Boy closed it out. New Politics was amazing and made me a new fan out of me. I give Paramore 3/3 members for a giving us a show we won't soon forget.

However, the Woodlands used to be one of my favorite venues, but considering I spent $7.50 on a bottle of water and $15 on parking, my concert days are few and far between. The Woodlands gets a solid 0/$22.50 for gouging us on ridiculous prices. For shame. Take a hint from Fall Out Boy, and Save Rock and Roll by making it more accessible. Music is for everyone.

Fall Out Boy
picture by Laura Romero

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